Weather Related Closings
When deciding whether or not to cancel Faith Formation programming due to inclement weather, factors that are taken into consideration include:
• Amount and type of snow
• When the snow falls, and when the snowfall is expected to end
• Ability to clear parking lots and sidewalks around the parish church and school buildings
• Condition of all streets (thoroughfare and residential) and bus stops
• Freezing rain and the effect on roads, power lines and tree limbs
• Wind and wind chill
• Temperature (watched closely when predicted near 0 degrees Fahrenheit)
Our utmost concern is for the safety of the children we serve and those who teach them. Faith Formation will be canceled if the weather warrants closing. In most situations, the decision to close will be made at least 2 hours before start time.
Above all, if you as a parent feel that it is unsafe to travel please make that decision as weather in WNY can change suddenly.
There will be a notification of Faith Formation closing because of weather at these following sites:
WGRZ Channel 2, WIVB Channel 4, and WKBW Channel 7 If time allows we will also notify parents via an email.
4737 Lakeshore Rd., Hamburg, NY 14075
Parish Office: (716) 627-3123
Faith Formation: (716) 627-7700
Faith Formation Fax: (716) 627-1255