The Faith Formation Office

Faith Formation Contact Information:

Telephone Number: (716) 627-7700

Email Co-Directors: (Helene Friend)

              (Bill Nistor)

Fax Number: (716) 627-1255

Service Form Registration Form 2023-2024 Class Schedule Class Expectations

2023-2024 Faith Formation Registration

Welcome! We are excited to have you join us for the 2023-2024 faith formation year. Please download the registration form. This can be returned to us via: email, mail, or in a labeled envelope in the weekend collection basket. Registration forms can also be brought directly to the office during regular office hours.

Faith Formation Payment Information

Parishioner Fee: $75.00 per child (Sacramental Fees not included)

Non-Parishioner Fee: $95.00 per child (Sacramental Fees not included)

Reconciliation Sacramental Fee (2nd Grade): $30.00 per child

First Communion Sacramental Fee (3rd Grade): $30.00 per child

Confirmation Fee (Paid in 10th Grade): $50.00 per child

Checks made payable to "St. Mary of the Lake"

Checks can be returned via mail or dropped in a labeled envelope in the weekend collection basket. Please return payment and registration form together if you are a new family.

** For families experiencing verifiable financial hardship that prevent payment for Faith Formation in full, please contact Bill Nistor or Helene Friend at the Faith Formation office.

Confirmation Preparation

Students currently in 9th grade in public, Catholic, or private school and not in the Faith Formation program

are asked to contact the Faith Formation Office at (716) 627-7700 to register for Confirmation Preparation.

Catechist / Parent Volunteering

Know that we welcome any parents wanting to visit or help in the classroom, whether it be one activity, one week in the classroom, or all year! If you plan on volunteering the entire school year, we will ask you to fill out the Safe Environment Paperwork and to attend one live training of Protecting God's Children to remain in compliance with the Diocese of Buffalo. Please contact our office if you are interested. Tuition is waived for parents who teach or aide in the Faith Formation Program.

Our Goals 

• To offer opportunities to have parishioners get to know one another and to make the church a center of family life through family and topic-centered activities.

• To enable everyone to nourish his/her own personal relationship with God through prayer, study, sacred scripture, and frequent participation in the sacraments of Eucharist and reconciliation.

• To offer opportunities for all parishioners to recognize that the Eucharistic and its liturgy is the center, source, summit of who we are as Catholic Christians.

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