Spiritual Life
Many of our parishioners want to get more involved with our church. We have many ways that you can join our community and strengthen your relationship with God in a deeper way. To get more information, please get in touch with the people of contact.
Altar Servers
Adult altar servers assist at weekday masses and funeral masses. Youth altar servers, girls and boys in fourth grade and up, assist at the weekend masses and other special liturgies such as confirmation. Training is provided for interested youth and adults.
Deacon William "Bill" Walkowiak
Eucharistic ministers distribute the body and blood of Christ at mass and/or give support to the sick and home-bound of the parish by taking communion to them. Practicing Catholics who have been baptized, confirmed and, if married, married with the blessing of the church, are eligible to be a Eucharistic minister. A one-day training session is required, which is offered periodically by the diocese.
Melissa Durka
(716) 771-4030
Lectors proclaim the word of God from the scriptures at Sunday and weekday masses. At the beginning of weekend masses, the lector welcomes the assembly, introduces the celebrant and announces the opening hymn. Practicing Catholics who have been baptized, confirmed and if married, married with the blessing of the Church, are eligible to be a lector.
Mary Ellen Burke at (716) 435-4858
Gift bearers bring the wine and hosts to the altar during mass at the time of the presentation of the gifts. Any family or individuals willing to serve as gift bearers should speak to an usher before mass. If the mass intention is for a deceased loved one or a special celebration in your family, you may wish to consider this role.
The Music Ministry, comprised of adults and youth choir members and musicians, serves to enrich the celebration of the liturgy and special services. Its primary function is to support and encourage congregational singing at mass. All who are willing to commit their time and energy to weekly rehearsals (Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.) are welcome to become members. The choir sings on Sunday at the 11:00 a.m. mass. No experience required other an a willing heart. All instruments are welcomed as well.
Glenn Colton at glennlcolton@gmail.com
Ushers serve in this Ministry of Hospitality by seating worshipers, inviting families to carry the offertory gifts, receiving the congregation's monetary offerings, and ushering the congregation to receive communion. They are responsible for distributing the parish bulletin and the monthly diocesan newspaper after mass. They are also available to assist people with special needs.
Adults and youth in this Ministry of Hospitality welcome and greet people before and after mass and at special services. Greeters also help visitors with inquiries about the facility, special needs, parish activities, and mass schedules.
Trish McGowan at (716) 627-2042
The women of the Altar and Rosary Society provide services and ministry to the parish by praying the rosary after the weekday mass for the needs and specific prayer requests of the parish. They also coordinate the first Friday adoration of the blessed sacrament, and participate in the weekly Thursday Holy Hour with Evening Prayer (4:00 - 5:00 pm). Additionally, they maintain the church linens and take care of any religious articles that need refurbishing.
Jackie Beras at (716) 627-9742
This committee helps the priest/deacon with the wedding rehearsal and also assists at the wedding ceremony. Music selections for the wedding are planned by the couple and the priest/deacon. After the wedding, the committee member is responsible for putting things back in place for the weekend liturgies.
Kathy Moskal at (716) 627-3203
4737 Lakeshore Rd., Hamburg, NY 14075
Parish Office: (716) 627-3123
Faith Formation: (716) 627-7700
Faith Formation Fax: (716) 627-1255